Swirl 2.5 Released

Sid Probstein -
Swirl 2.5 Released

Team Swirl is thrilled to announce the General Availability of Swirl 2.5!

The theme for this release is performance. Configured with 12 SearchProviders, Swirl 2.5 supports up to 15 queries/second on a Standard F16s v2 server (16 vcpus, 32 GiB memory) with a median response time of 3 seconds.  

Swirl 2.5 also includes SearchProviders for HubSpot contacts, companies, and deals. Check out the Release notes for more details:  https://github.com/swirlai/swirl-search/releases/tag/v2.5.0

NOTE:  If you’ve been using Swirl 2.1.1 or earlier, please review the Upgrading section of the Release notes carefully!

  • This version replaces RabbitMQ with Redis (redis-server).  Consult the Quick Start > Local Installation section for details or contact support for assistance.
  • Some existing SearchProvider configurations require updating before use with 2.5.

As always, if you have questions about this release or need some help upgrading your instance, please connect with us via Slack or drop us a note

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