Video – Introducing Swirl Metasearch 2.0 – Enterprise Ready

Sid Probstein -
Video – Introducing Swirl Metasearch 2.0 – Enterprise Ready

Curious about Metasearch? Want to know how Swirl works? And why it turns out to be such a game-changer in the post-pandemic, “really in cloud now” era? Here’s a new video that covers it all.

This video explains:

  • What Metasearch is and how it works – sending queries to each source and re-ranking the unified results
  • The problem it solves – from the proliferation of browser tabs to getting labelled content for machine learning
  • How it works – specifically, how Swirl represents sources using a zero code, configuration-not-coding model
  • What results look like in Swirl – including video of the Spyglass UI at work, showing how users can systematically speed through the best results from all sources

It’s difficult to cover all of Swirl’s capabilities in such a short time. One of the most important features in version 2.0 is full OAUTH2 support. This makes it easy for Swirl to securely search leading enterprise platforms like Microsoft 365. Users are never authorized to see anything they can’t already see.

Unlike traditional search engines that want to build indexes or vector representations from all relevant content, Swirl doesn’t need to ingest or re-permission any information. Instead it uses the many existing indexes and search systems already present to find the best information for you.

Here are a few other things you may be curious about:

  • Is support for developing solutions on Swirl avaialble? Yes, please join the Swirl Metasearch Slack community here.
  • Is Swirl open source? Yes, Swirl Metasearch 2.0 is available under the Apache 2.0 license. It takes two commands and ~5 minutes to get it running with Docker. More here.
  • Is hosted Swirl available? Yes! Swirl Cloud is now available for SaaS hosting; we also offer managed service in enterprise Azure (now available!) or AWS subscriptions. More information on hosted services is coming soon.

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